Dear Sevenoaks Family The Annual General Meeting of Sevenoaks Alliance Church will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday April 13, 2025, in the Chapel. Immediately after the morning worship service that day, from approximately 11:15 until noon, we will be holding a Pie Auction Fundraiser for this summer's Youth and Young Adults Missions Trip to Costa Rica. Once the Pie Auction is over, starting at around noon, a soup and sandwich luncheon will be held in the gymnasium. This will provide those who wish to attend the AGM a chance to have lunch on site before the meeting begins. But this is a lunch for the whole church family; you don’t have to intend to attend the AGM in order to join us for lunch. Voluntary donations to help defray the cost of the lunch will be gratefully received.
To review the documents needed for the AGM please click on this link:
AGM Information | Sevenoaks Alliance Church